Throughout this past term on Council, I have supported prioritizing many environmental projects including remodeling the Climate Action and Energy Plan (CAEP) for reducing our emissions by 80 % by 2050, requiring a minimum of Step Code 2 for new residential buildings along with rebates for homebuilders who take Step 3 or higher and contributing CAEP funds to the Clean BC “Better Homes” rebate program for local residents to make energy efficient retrofits, just to name a few. We are also moving ahead with developing a new biodiversity policy.
By re-instating the Environmental Advisory Committee, they have provided good oversight for identifying crossover actions we can take in all areas of planning and operations.
With the release of the CVRD’s Climate Adaptation Strategy for the region, it's very timely to coordinate what we are doing and how we can better prepare for the more extreme weather events and storm conditions we have been experiencing due to climate change. This includes protecting our natural assets and existing infrastructure (with a plan in action to integrate our natural assets into our Asset Management Plan now underway), prioritizing development within the Urban Containment Boundary but also outside of the flood plain and supporting with emergency management.
I also support the continuation of the municipal forestry review with a pause on logging while the public consultation process moves ahead as well as discussions with Cowichan Nation.